The group includes historians of medicine and biology from across the University of Cambridge. We have expertise in every major historical period and in approaches from quantifying parish records to interviewing scientists.
Principal investigators:
- Rebecca Flemming (Classics): Ancient Roman medicine
- †John Forrester (HPS): History and philosophy of psychoanalysis and human sciences
- Nick Hopwood (HPS): History of modern medicine and biology (principal award holder)
- Martin Johnson (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience): History of recent embryology
- Peter Jones (King's College): Medieval medicine
- Lauren Kassell (HPS): Early modern medicine
- Jim Secord (HPS): History of life sciences
- Richard Smith (Geography): Historical demography and historical population geography
- Simon Szreter (History): History and public policy
Research and teaching associate (history of reproductive sciences): Salim Al-Gailani (HPS)
Research associate (early modern maternal and infant health): Leah Astbury (HPS)
Affiliated researcher (history of genetics): Jenny Bangham
Collaborator (sociology of reproduction): Sarah Franklin (Sociology)
Former team members
Events and outreach officers: Francis Neary, Shirlene Badger, Laura Dawes
Research assistant (history of venereal disease): Jacqueline Cahif
Research associate (biodemography and mortality): Romola Davenport (Geography)
Research associate (ancient medicine): Fay Glinister
Research associate (history of pregnancy testing): Jesse Olszynko-Gryn (University of Strathclyde)
Research and teaching associate (early modern generation): Karin Ekholm (St John's College, Annapolis)
Teaching associate (history of modern medicine and biology): Vanessa Heggie (University of Birmingham)
Teaching associate (modern economic and social history of Britain): Siân Pooley (University of Oxford)
Collaborator (medicine in the ancient and premodern Middle East): Eleanor Robson (University College London)
Visiting researcher (European health care and popular medicine): Mary Fissell (Johns Hopkins University)
Affiliated researcher (history of infertility): Christina Benninghaus
Affiliated researcher (early modern medicine): Boyd Brogan (University of York)
Affiliated researcher (history of sexuality): Sarah Bull
Affiliated researcher (Enlightenment birthing technologies): Margaret Carlyle
Affiliated researcher (medieval medicine): Gabriella Zuccolin